Saturday, November 7, 2020

Worshipping Musk ???

I have been reading the book Our SUN-GOD or Christianity Before Christ by John Denham Parsons, which was published in 1895. It contains this interesting claim:

"El, like On, was an appellation of the Sun-God. Or, to adhere to the Zodiacal cult, El was an appellation of the Sun-God, an On an appellation of his opponent the Prince of Darkness."

Put the two together, and you get El-On or Elon, a name which appears to be the yin and yang of good and evil.

So ... who is this man Elon Musk of the strange name, and who (like Nikola Tesla and Elijah) doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men (Revelation 13:13 KJV)? And why does he pull our gaze toward the heavens, boasting he will lead us to the Kingdom of Mars?

By the way, Parsons' book also makes this claim:

"Both the Moabite Stone and the Assyrian monuments bear witness that the name of the deity of the Hebrews - and others - was pronounced Yahoo."

Is this the source of that early website's name? If it is, why was it chosen? Are superintelligent AIs and/or the humans who claim to control them destined to be our new gods?

Be careful what or whom you worship.

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