Saturday, November 21, 2020

Wheelbarrows Of Money

You've probably seen pictures like this - a man pushing a wheelbarrow full of worthless paper money:

We are closer to this than you may think. "Our" government and banking system are debasing the US dollar at a feverish pace. You can read about it here:

While it's possible we may never push ACTUAL wheelbarrows full of paper currency, the possibility of hyperinflation is a real one. And it's at least as important an issue as the specter of COVID-19.

So, why aren't the powers that be focusing their attention on it? Or are they ... and if so, what is their plan? Something tells me we won't know until it's too late to do anything else.

And you can bet your bottom (worthless) dollar their solution will benefit the rich and not the rest of us.

Update - 11/23/2020

Here is further discussion with economist John Williams of

1 comment:

  1. Here is further discussion of the issue:
