Saturday, November 7, 2020

RT-PCR-ing The Night Away

Here is a VERY good description of the RT-PCR test now being used to "diagnose" COVID-19 disease. It's lengthy, but you can get the gist with a quick scan:

As Dr. Sacré suggests, the current methodology does not confirm the virus is present or that it is causing disease. Instead, a "positive test result" has become the definition of a "case" of COVID-19.

Here is another example of a "diagnostic method" which does not confirm the presence of the virus:

While there may be some connection between the results of such tests and the presence or absence of disease, it is tenuous at best.

We've been substituting models for actual knowledge of what is going on:

1. A faulty computer model led to the worldwide deadly lockdowns.

2. A model based on RT-PCR testing apparently soon will lead us to more lockdowns.

3. An acoustic model which also doesn't detect the virus might be used to confirm or replace the findings of the RT-PCR test.

4. And all along, no autopsies are being performed to determine ACTUAL causes of death of those who die.

Medicine is no longer treating human patients - it's treating models. How do we know that ANY of this makes any sense?

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