Friday, November 13, 2020

Two Important Facts

Here are two noteworthy statements, each of which contains an important fact:

"Biden is not the president-elect. Not one single state has so far certified its election results." - Raúl Ilargi Meijer

"There is nothing in Afghanistan worth the life of a single American soldier." - COL Douglas Macgregor, US Army, Retired

Source -

It should mean NOTHING to the US electorate that the AP, China, the EU, Mark Zuckerberg, or anyone else want Joe Biden to be President. Since we in the US allow a popular vote to choose each state's electors, it's only the will of We the People (i.e., eligible voters casting legal ballots) which matters. Don't forget that.

Most of the essay linked above is an analysis of the bizarre ad hominem attacks made by the MSM against COL Macgregor. It's worth reading since it clearly shows how US media rely on slander and innuendo instead of facts to promote their agenda.

By the way, a few years back I wrote this essay explaining why we are in Afghanistan, and as you can see there is NOTHING in Afghanistan worth the life of a single American soldier:

It saddens me to think that seven years after I wrote those words we're STILL wasting US lives and treasure in that shithole country (with apologies to the people who live there).

Please, bring the troops home and let the Afghani people determine their own fate. Isn't that what democracy is all about?

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