Thursday, November 5, 2020

What The Candidates Didn't Say

According to Egon von Greyerz, here is what the 2020 presidential candidates should have said:

"Our nation is bankrupt. We cannot make ends meet and we need to eliminate Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security and Defence totally to balance the budget. That will save us $3 trillion which almost covers the 2020 deficit.

The problem is that we expect a bigger deficit next year. Covid is paralysing major parts of the country and will be very costly. It will also have permanent negative effects. In addition, we expect major problems in the insolvent financial system. This will necessitate the printing of further trillions of dollars or even tens of trillions.

But as we print these dollars, we get an ever bigger problem. The value of the dollar will fall precipitously and we will need to print and borrow even more. That will create a vicious circle with a lower dollar, bigger deficits and bigger debts plus inflation.

So these are the facts. I am obviously very sorry to present these to you but I am certain that there can be no other outcome.

I sincerely hope that you will elect me on this platform. After all, I am the only presidential candidate in history who has told his people the truth and the real state of the nation.

And please don’t believe the fake promises of the other candidate. A liar doesn’t deserve to be president.

Finally, I promise to do my best to manage the coming disorderly collapse of the USA to the best of my ability."

Source -

Clearly, much of the above is true. Also clearly, anyone who says such things can NEVER get elected to any national office in the USA.

But if our candidates and officeholders are unwilling to tell us hard truths, who is going to keep us together when the above predictions come true?

This state of affairs is why The Great Reset is inevitable. Its proponents have a plan, and they have the financial and political muscle to shove that plan down our throats in spite of any objections.

If things get bad enough, we may even BEG them to implement it.

And that, dear readers, is how the great US experiment may come to an end.

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