Friday, November 6, 2020

China Back To Normal

Here is an eyewitness account of the situation in post-COVID China:

Of special note is this explanation of how they overcame the pandemic:

What did China do to get here? It’s actually quite simple, they had a complete lockdown of the whole country for a couple of weeks, and for some hotspots like Wuhan for a few months. After that they opened up again, but they did that with ubiquitous testing and obligatory face masks everywhere. Each time a new outbreak occurred they would lock (part of) a city down and test everybody. In that way China got the virus completely under control.

Considering that China now has a recovered economy, a stable government, and a workable plan for the future, is there anything (other than US interference) which can prevent them from becoming the world's top superpower?

Frankly, I'd prefer the US to devote our remaining resources to a domestic recovery instead of a futile attempt to get in China's way. How about you?

Update 11/8/2020

Apparently Taiwan is doing just great, too:

What the hell happened to us? Were we thrown under the bus so Biden could win?

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