Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The World's Only Sovereign ???

According to this essay, Xi Jinping thinks China is the world's only sovereign state:


I'm missing something ...

Didn't the British Empire ignore the sovereignty of all the nations it plundered?

The USA thinks we're "the indispensable nation" which can bomb, embargo, sanction, and/or invade any country we want. And NATO seems to agree.

Israel is more or less in the same category. Doesn't the Bible say G-d will rule the world with Jerusalem as His capital?

And what's with the World Economic Forum and their "great reset" nonsense? Wouldn't it in effect create a supranational authority making everyone else's sovereignty irrelevant?

Face it - the only defensible position here is that We the People are sovereign, individually and collectively. The real question ought to be, "how does the concept of tianxia fit into that framework?" Is the desire to craft a global village really a problem, or is the author more concerned it will be headed by China and not the USA?

1 comment:

  1. Here is a related discussion:

    https://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/507780/Great-Reset-Wie-das-Weltwirtschaftsforum-China-seit-Jahren-hofiert-und-lobt [translation required]
