Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Elect Not By Lies

The MSM seems to believe Biden won fair and square.

But many analyses suggest that's not the case. Here are some recent examples:





And isn't it amazing the person who is supposed to investigate voter fraud QUITS as soon as he's ordered to do his job?


From my perspective, a few things are crystal clear:

1. This is no longer a democracy (if it ever was).

2. We no longer have a free press. They're all serving up the same lies.

3. A huge battle is looming, one which may continue for months if not years.

We the People wanted a free and fair election, and we didn't get one. NO ONE in the federal government should certify Biden to be the winner. Let him whine all he wants until the recounts are over, SCOTUS has ruled, and the Electoral College has voted.

By the way, isn't it about time we allowed impartial, international poll observers to watch and investigate our elections?

1 comment:

  1. And articles like this one are ABSURD:


    Challenging fraud does NOT undermine the system. It strengthens it.
