Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Weaponizing Education

Some observations from Jon Rappoport:

A hundred fifty years ago, at least some Americans recognized that all serious discourse depended on the use of the faculty called Reason.

Formal debate, science, and law all flowed from that source.

A common bond existed in some schools of the day. The student was expected to learn how Reason operates, and for that he was taught the only subject which could lay out, as on a long table, the visible principles: Logic.

This was accepted.

But now, this bond is gone.

The independence engendered by the disciplined study of logic is no longer a desired quality in students.

The classroom, at best, has taken on the appearance of a fact-memorization factory; and we should express grave doubts about the relevance and truth of many of those facts.

You can read the rest @

The state has ALWAYS shaped education to achieve its goals. And one of those goals has been to control and limit what We the People are capable of doing on our own.

The fact the state now spies on us constantly and seeks to confiscate our weapons should tell us a lot about what the state ultimately wants us to become - sheeple.

It's inevitable. If we won't give in, they'll work on our children until they do.

And what kind of sick person attacks helpless children in that way?

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