Wednesday, November 14, 2018

STOP Killing The People Of Yemen

On Wednesday, a measure is being advanced at the behest of House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) aiming to derail House Continuing Resolution 138, a War Powers Act challenge which would force an end to the US military involvement in the Saudi-led War in Yemen.

Under the War Powers Act, any individual lawmaker is intended to be able to raise the matter of an unauthorized war for debate and a vote on the floor. Efforts to do so have failed, however, as the House leadership has used the Rules Committee to sidestep the issue.

You can read the rest @

Congress hasn't "given up" its war-making powers. They have resolutely REFUSED to exercise them.

If the new Congress refuses to lift the blockade and stop the carnage in Yemen, then as far as I am concerned the 2018 election was a pointless, sick joke. All it accomplished was to replace one pack of demented murderers with another.

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