Monday, October 3, 2016

Perhaps The Best Government Is No Government At All

According to this report, Spain is doing just fine without a government:

For the past 288 days, Spain has plodded along without an elected national government. For some Spaniards, this is a wonderful thing.

“No government, no thieves,” said FĂ©lix Pastor, a language teacher who, like many voters, is fed up with the corruption and scandals that tarnished the two previous governing parties.

Mr. Pastor, a wiry, animated 59-year-old, said Spain could last without a government “until hell freezes over” because politicians were in no position to do more harm.

You can read the rest @

I fully agree with Mr. Pastor. The US government is holding We The People hostage in our own country and forcing us to do or to pay for things we neither need nor want. What we have is not democracy, it is oligarchy and perhaps even tyranny.

Sadly, the condition of "no government" is called "anarchy", and that word has very bad connotations (e.g., violence and destruction). But realistically the government Thomas Jefferson envisioned for us was much closer to "anarchy" than what we have now.

Maybe that's one of the reasons his monument is on the opposite side of the Potomac from the organs of state power in DC. All revolutions eat their parents.

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