Thursday, May 22, 2014

Why Our Kids Are Losers

It's because that's what they are taught in school:

The purpose of the day is for our school to get together for an enjoyable two hours of activities and provide an opportunity for students, teachers and parents to interact cooperatively. Since we believe that all of our children are winners, the need for athletic ability and the competitive “urge to win” will be kept to a minimum. The real reward will be the enjoyment and good feelings of participation.

... the competitive “urge to win” will be kept to a minimum ...

That about says it all.

If you'll recall, both the Nazis and the Communists taught their children that the state and/or the collective was more important than the individual. How did this same garbage get into our school systems? Maybe it was "thinking" like this that put it there:

“And two of the safest cities in America, two of them are on the border with Mexico,” Garcia continued. “And of course, the reason is we’ve proved that Communism works. If you give everybody a good government job, there’s no crime.”

By the way, I don't know anyone in Texas who agrees with Rep. Garcia that two of the safest cities in America are on the border with Mexico.

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