Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Military Robots With Morals ???

You may have read an essay like this one exploring the concept of "military robots with morals":

Such a thing would actually be an improvement over what we have now. At least the robots won't laugh when a tank drives over a human body. Watch the "Collateral Murder" video, and you'll see what I mean:

US forces portrayed in the video obviously had a system of morality and followed their rules of engagement, but are you pleased with the outcome?

The men who allegedly killed Osama bin Laden also had a system of morality and followed rules of engagement, but are you pleased with the outcome of that enterprise?

The way the US typically operates in a combat situation is to declare an entire region a "free-fire zone", and the rules of engagement within the zone are something like "kill anything that moves":

In a situation like that, who needs morality?

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