Saturday, November 6, 2021

Who Is The Real Enemy ???

I have been blogging about the dangers of Skynet for quite some time. Here is a recent report which is closely related to that topic:

A military grade cloud AI + autonomous killer robots = Skynet. So, why are the US and its contractors so avidly pursuing the development of such a thing? Who is the intended enemy?

1. Could it be China? Not really. The US fascist state (Congress + corporations) cheerfully enabled the rise of China and the transfer of the world's manufacturing capabilities to factories controlled by the CCP. And now they're our enemy? What moron would have created such a monster without knowing exactly what would happen?

2. Could it be Russia? Not really. Putin just wants us to respect national sovereignty and the rule of law. We claim to be doing both, when of course we're really not. We could restore the balance just by stopping our lies, bullying, and interference WITHOUT making Russia our enemy. But of course we won't.

3. Could it be Iran? Not really. They're apparently the enemy of Saudi Arabia and Israel, and we could easily just allow those three maniacal regimes to work out their differences on their own. Yes, it would be an energy disaster, but aren't we claiming we want "net zero carbon" as soon as  possible? What better way to achieve it than by having a general war in the Middle East?

No, I think the intended enemy for the US Skynet is We the People. TPTB don't like us, don't want us to get in their way, and are rapidly moving in directions which will make us even more obsolete and unwanted than we already are.

And (of course) we now face the supreme irony - bad actors like Google and the US government soon will corral and attack us using weapons we paid for ourselves. Can someone find the authority for such a thing in the US Constitution? Oh wait, I forgot - that's just a "white supremacist" rag which no one follows any more (unless it's needed to "certify" the election of "Joe Biden").

In conclusion, if you cannot see what's coming, maybe it won't be so painful when it catches up to you. After all, ignorance is strength.

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