Sunday, November 7, 2021

Musk et al.

Here is a discussion of Elon Musk and several other rich people who appear to be crafting our future:

As the richest person on planet earth, Elon Musk is increasingly recognized as the driver of  modern Technocracy. His grandfather was head of the Technocracy, Inc. movement in Canada during the 1930s and 1940s. Musk’s son, named “X Æ A-12”, follows the Technocrat dislike of personal names.

You can read the rest @

Sorry, but call me a Neanderthal. I can't tell you what Musk et al. are really going to go, but I'll stick with old school values. In my day, people had a strong sense of morality, more often than not went to church, and wouldn't have stood by helplessly as their neighbor got attacked by a woke mob. And I don't think there were ANY firearms or hard drugs at my school.

If all these rich people have to offer is imaginary trips to Mars, a sky full of satellites, constant surveillance, EVs which run people over or burst into flames, and constantly changing versions of "morality", they can keep their vision of the future. It's not for me.

Update - 11/8/2021

Or perhaps he's just weird:

You can tell a lot from the avatar a person chooses. I choose just to be me.

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