Wednesday, November 17, 2021

BBB = A Wrecking Ball

The so-called Build Back Better plan looks like a giant wrecking ball to me. Here is one related aspect which has important implications:

Yes, it may be better for us that we wean our farms off fertilizers, but until the new "sustainable" farming methods come up to speed there will be a real shortage of food. What remains will go to the highest bidder (e.g., China). How we gonna feed ourselves?

Equally disturbing is this report that farmland is being seized by the government (?) for construction of a Carbon Capture & Sequestration Pipeline (or some other such nonsense):

Yes, capturing CO2 emissions may be a good idea, but destroying farmland to do it sounds like a giant mistake. Why couldn't this be done using Elon Musk's boring machines WITHOUT disturbing the farms at the surface?

And while we're on the subject, is large scale carbon capture and sequestration even feasible? I personally witnessed the evolution of two projects related to this technology:

1. One was a system to capture and sequester CO2 emissions at a fossil fuel power plant by turning them into solids. I think the pilot project worked, but as far as I know no one scaled it up to the size needed to make a difference for "climate change". And this was one of the EPA's pet projects.

2. The second was an underground site to sequester CO2 gas, which I assume is the type of facility this planned pipeline would feed. EPA studies showed the storage "vault" definitely was prone to leakage, and the higher the pressure the more it leaked.

While it's not an exact analogy, similar flaws have been experienced in the capture and storage of nuclear wastes. One of the best storage sites in the nation (the Barnwell site in South Carolina, surrounded by miles of fine, absorbent clay deposited by the Savannah River) was supposed to last for eons, but started leaking after less than 100 years. No matter where we pump CO2 underground, it's coming back out eventually. The only unknown is "how soon".

Apparently billion$ and trillion$ will be spent on BBB, but will any of this stuff work? If the "vaccine" program is any indication, we're it for a real shock.

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