Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Why Aren't We Watching The Olympics ???

According to this report, viewers in the US are not watching the Winter Olympics:

First of all, I am watching. I'm recording the broadcasts and watching them as I have time to get to them.

But there is much I don't like:

  • US sent too few real contenders
  • US losers have too many excuses
  • NBC spends too much airtime with US "favorites"

I'm tired of losers saying "it was a great experience" or "I'm having a good time". We sent you there to WIN, and if that's not your goal you don't belong there.

1 comment:

  1. Note well the Canadians were EXTREMELY upset when they lost at hockey:

    Our losers, on the other hand, smile and shrug it off.

    Winning isn't everything, it's the ONLY thing.
