Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Thinking About Obama's Official Portrait

"There is only one means of defeating an insurgent people who will not surrender, and that is extermination. There is only one way to control a territory that harbours resistance, and that is to turn it into a desert."
COL Edward Lansdale

It may not seem obvious to you yet, but the "insurgent people" who are now being exterminated are those we in the US once called patriots. Oh, they're not being killed outright, but they're being eliminated all the same. And the territory which "harbours resistance" which now is being turned into a desert is middle America, home to those who once created the "arsenal of democracy". Once they can no longer survive in the economic desert the powers that be have created around them, they too will come under control ... or just die out, which will accomplish the same thing - their defeat.

Think hard about why former US President Obama ad-Dajjal had his official portrait created by someone who also painted these two bizarre portraits:

Many of us recoiled when Kathy Griffin showed us the bloody head of Trump; shouldn't we react in a similar manner when a former president appears to associate himself with nearly identical images?

The US political landscape is rapidly changing. So far people are losing their jobs, their savings, and their homes. How long until the animosity encouraged by this kind of imagery causes them also to lose their lives?

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