Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Great YouTube Purge Of 2018

Have you noticed that many YouTube sites are being taken down? Here is a discussion of what is happening:

Unfortunately, I think that what YouTube is doing is completely legal and NOT a violation of the First Amendment. Check the contract we all signed when we went up on YouTube if you disagree.

But the "purge" definitely cuts off the income of many people, and it also eliminates many opposing points of view from the Internet.

Yes, there is censorship and fascism in the US.

No, it's not coming from Trump. It's coming from the people who seem to openly HATE Trump.

You know who they are.

By the way, other sites now have viruses attached to them and your browser either will not open them or if you do your computer will become infected. Is this being done with malicious intent to stifle free speech? I have a feeling it is.

Welcome to the New Dark Age - seemingly brought to you by folks who by their own admission are the smartest people in the room.


  1. Here is YouTube's BS explanation of what happened:


    And yes, it is BS.

  2. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts also asks important questions:

