Friday, April 8, 2016

Why Aren't One Million Troops Enough ???

Did you know that the US has a "hollow army"?

Speaking to Congress today with an eye on major additional spending hikes, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley warned that the planned force strength of 980,000 was far too small, and that there is a “high military risk” for the US to only have about a million troops.

Gen. Milley says there is “no way we can meet the imminent threats that we have around the world,” and that to handle all the “major operations” (i.e. wars) planned he wants at least another 220,000 troops on top of the planned number.

Milley estimated the cost at $1 billion for every additional 10,000 soldiers added, and warned that America would risk “literally having a hollow Army” if the money wasn’t spent, suggesting domestic military bases might have to be closed, something Congress almost universally opposes.

You can read the rest @

I might buy this, but only if the following were true:

1. If the US didn't already have a hollow economy being dragged down by military expenditures; and

2. If the US Army was used to protect We The People, and not to further the aspirations of The Empire.

The greater threat to the US comes from the south, not from the Middle East. If you want to protect the US, invade Mexico.

Let the Israelis fend for themselves. They don't need our money, our weapons, or our help. G-d is on their side, right?

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