Sunday, December 27, 2020

There Is An Alternative

This statement by Matthew Ehret describes a viable alternative to US global hegemony:

The fact is those unipolar zombies programmed to think in no other terms but global post-nation state dominance are deathly afraid of the Russia-China bond of survival which has created a uniquely viable foundation for an alternative economic/security architecture for the world. This model is based on a system of finance that defines money not in speculative but rather long-term development of the real economic foundations of life. It also features a strong emphasis on win-win cooperation as opposed to Hobbesian zero-sum logic dominant among western powers, and it also finds itself driven by OPEN system economic practices shaped by unbounded scientific and technological progress that once upon a time guided America’s better traditions.

Source -

If you have time, I recommend you read his entire essay. It provides a good historical perspective on how we strayed from our better traditions.

And he provides this link to an essay about the assassination of President William McKinley:

I have always felt that Teddy Roosevelt had something to do with McKinley's murder. He was the person who benefited the most from it, and the speed with which the assassin was convicted and executed (less than two months) is rather suspicious:

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