Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The Net-Zero Fairy Tale

Here is a rational analysis of the net-zero movement set to take hold of US energy/climate policy:

Achieving net-zero will hurt more and cost more than we're being told. Considering that US households already are flat broke, where do we come up with the money to afford higher energy costs?

In simple terms, humans can only achieve net-zero by using less energy. That will only happen if there are fewer humans. And that can only happen if some higher authority forces a reduction in our numbers.

Bill Gates has suggested that the way to do this is through vaccines. Is that what the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are intended to do? If so, when do We the People get a say in the process?

By the way, our Israeli "friends" don't seem to give a damn about net-zero:

Why are they once again getting a free pass?

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