Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Why So Few Autopsies Of COVID-19 Victims ???

Here is one of the latest oddities about the COVID-19 pandemic:

The German Robert Koch Institute now advises against autopsies of test-positive deceased persons because the risk of droplet infection by aerosols is allegedly too high. In many cases, this means that the real cause of death can no longer be determined.

A specialist in pathology comments on this as follows:

"Who might think evil of it! Up to now, it has been a matter of course for pathologists to carry out autopsies with appropriate safety precautions even in the case of infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, tuberculosis, PRION diseases, etc. It is quite remarkable that in a disease that is killing thousands of patients all over the world and bringing the economy of entire countries to a virtual standstill, only very few autopsy findings are available (six patients from China). From the point of view of both the epidemic police and the scientific community, there should be a particularly high level of public interest in autopsy findings. However, the opposite is the case. Are you afraid of finding out the true causes of death of the positively tested deceased? Could it be that the numbers of corona deaths would then melt away like snow in the spring sun?"

Source - https://swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19/

Yes, something very strange is happening here. It reminds me of the rush to destroy the evidence of the 9/11 "attacks". Such oddities ought to make us VERY suspicious about what is going on.

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