Thursday, April 30, 2020

Why I Don't Blame Trump

Many people are blaming President Trump for the COVID-19 pandemic. I'm not one of them. Here are my reasons why:

The World Economic Forum meets every year and votes on the top 5 global risks in terms of likelihood and impact. Note that "pandemics" were not considered likely over the decade 2007-2017 and were only considered to have a low to moderate impact for the 2007 and 2008 assessments. These people are supposed to be the world's "geniuses". If they didn't see a problem coming, why blame Trump for not seeing it either?

And if COVID-19's severity COULD have been predicted, what might Trump have done differently?

(1) Done more research? The research already was being done, at the Wuhan lab with partial funding from the USA.

(2) Kept it from escaping from the lab? That was up to the Chinese, who apparently failed.

(3) Kept it from spreading out of China? That was up to the Chinese and/or the WHO, who failed spectacularly.

(4) Closed our borders? Everyone, including the US courts, have been sabotaging and/or blocking his attempts to do so from Day One of his administration. They, not he, are to blame for that failure.

(5) Locked us down sooner? Everyone, including the US courts, has fought against the lockdowns. Americans lack the discipline necessary to make such a thing work, anyway. That's not Trump's fault; it's OUR collective fault.

(6) Stockpiled more PPE? The global supply and distribution system created by the Davos Mafia and which is out of the control of Trump or ANY president doesn't have any stockpiles. It's an on-demand system with long, easily broken global supply chains.

(7) Stockpiled more food? He might have been able to make a difference here, but apparently his advisers were slow in bringing this to his attention.

You can whine about his self-serving press conferences, but Obama ad-Dajjal's pressers were the same as Trump's: a litany of me-me-me amid a torrent of lies. The biggest difference between the two is that Obama's mainly concerned the killing of foreigners, while Trump's strike closer to home.

This mess is a total systemic failure, people.

And it's an almost inevitable failure brought about by the self-serving greed and ignorance of our ruling class.

It's not going to go away when Trump leaves office, either. If we don't take control of our nation back from the bank gangsters, corporate CEOs, oligarchs, and their accomplices in the one percent, this is just going to get worse. THEIR agenda is not the people's agenda, and don't you forget it.


  1. Here is a discussion of what the future may hold:

  2. Here is a discussion suggesting Fauci initially gave Trump bad advice:
