Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Jesus The Doctor ???

Here is some hopeful news from Brazil:

I applaud the work and the dedication of all the world's health care professionals. They deserve our sincere gratitude.

But ... is this what the Second Coming will look like? I don't think so, and here is why [I have published this before, and I think it's more applicable than ever]:

During Jesus' ministry two thousand years ago, He did the following to demonstrate that the Kingdom of G-d was at hand:
  • He healed the sick
  • He stopped strife and bloodshed
  • He raised the dead
  • He fed the hungry

When He returns during the End of Days, He will do the following to punish the inhabitants of the earth:
  • He will spread pestilence
  • He will cause strife and bloodshed
  • He will kill the wicked
  • He will spread famine

When that occurs, a charlatan whom we call the Antichrist will tell the inhabitants of the earth that they do not deserve the punishments which G-d is inflicting on them and will tell them he will save those who worship him:
  • He will promise to heal the sick
  • He will promise to stop the strife and bloodshed
  • He will promise to stop the killing
  • He will promise to feed the hungry

Yet, the Antichrist will not be able to deliver on those promises. He has no such powers. G-d will punish those whom He decides are deserving of His punishments, including the Antichrist.

The people of the United States falsely believe that they are without sin and are all going to heaven. When the punishment phase starts, they will flock to what they believe is the protection of the Christ, but it will be Antichrist to whom they turn. And in so doing they will turn their backs on G-d and seal their fate.

So how can you tell Christ from Antichrist? If He comes with G-d's wrath to punish you, He is Jesus Christ. If he comes with promises to protect you from G-d's wrath, he is the Antichrist. If you have been sealed by G-d, you're in the body of Christ. If you have taken the mark of the beast, you're in the body of Antichrist.

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