Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Have We Finally Reached The Peak ???

Some, like President Trump, may think we're nearing the peak of COVID-19 infections, which will signal the time to reopen the country. This strategy seems to ignore an important fact:

PEAK daily new cases in a containment scenario is also PEAK infectivity if containment is abandoned at that moment.

Source -

We've really painted ourselves into a corner, haven't we?

Before you decide to rush outside and mingle again, take a look at some of these reports first:

I think what bothers me the most about COVID-19 are these two things:

1. With the best scientists in the world focused on finding a solution to this pandemic, we still don't know how many people are infected, what the real death rate is, or why some people die horrible deaths while others seem unaffected; and

2. In spite of that lack of knowledge, we appear to have totally destroyed our nation's economy in an inept attempt to curb the number of deaths.

I'd also like to point out that the response to the virus appears to have satisfied the agenda of the technocrats and the climate change crazies more than any reasonable agenda of We the People. In this regard, it's starting to feel exactly like what we did in the wake of 9/11 - we embarked on an ill-considered "war on terror" which was extremely costly, totally unnecessary, and lasting in its negative impact on all humanity. Can we afford yet another screwup of that magnitude? I don't think so.

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