Wednesday, April 1, 2020

EU Is The Early USA

The EU appears to breaking apart:

They remind me of the early USA under the Articles of Confederation - a weak conglomerate of semi-sovereign states more interested in their individual welfare than in the health of the whole. And unlike the USA, which eventually decided to form a more perfect union, the EU now appears to have a very bleak future, if any.

Certainly COVID-19 has a lot to do with this, but the shenanigans of Hillary, Erdogan, Soros, and the entire "open border globalist" crowd also had a strong influence. No one has been able to rein them in, and soon they may again be in the ascendancy.

Marc Cuban thinks we now have an opportunity to reinvent everything:

Yes we do, but before we start we need to ask "cui bono?" Who benefits from so-called green infrastructure, self-driving cars, 5G wireless, and technocracy? Surely We the People may derive some ultimate benefit, in the guise of a healthier planet, but the immediate benefit will be to billionaires who are the only ones in a position to actually restart our economy. Do we want to let them control everything, including all the aspects of the "restart"?

America's Founders were the powers that be of their day. We think they created a wonderful and just system because that's what they told us. Today's Founders want to do something similar, and as we start to recover from COVID-19 (a disaster at least as devastating as our Revolutionary War) they'll become our new gods and goddesses.

Is that what we want? I ask this because I can guarantee you that We the People really will have no voice in what is going to happen. You may think we will, but the recent censorship of just about every social platform in the world suggests otherwise. The rich will tell us and themselves what We the People think and want, and that will form the basis for the modern version of the Federalist Papers.

Welcome to the future, and everyone over 60 no longer gets a ventilator to save them; but at least the planet will be green again.

Are you happy now?

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