Thursday, April 30, 2020

All Eyes On Jerusalem

Here is some opinion and analysis from the MintPress News website:

Zionism is founded on the idea that Jews today have rights to a land they had not inhabited for thousands of years. These rights supersede the rights of the Palestinians, even though they have been living on that land for thousands of years. Zionists have been so successful in selling this absurd idea, that for over one hundred years, they have been able to destroy Palestine, erase its history, kill and forcibly exile its indigenous population and bring to ruin ancient, iconic monuments that were a vital part of the landscape. The poster child of this idea today is a man by the name of Bezalel Smotrich, the man who is slated to become the new Minister for Jerusalem Affairs.

Smotrich is part of a group that was once considered on the fringe of Israeli politics and which calls for building a Jewish Temple on the site of the Dome of the Rock. No longer fringe, now this group has people like Smotrich in positions of power that threaten the very existence of Jerusalem’s most important religious and historical space, the Holy Sanctuary.

You can read the rest @

And if you would like to know what will happen from a Christian perspective, read the Book of Revelation. The entire book is pertinent, but you may want to glance at Chapter 11 first:

The Israelis now are asking for an even bigger handout than we normally give them, and they want it earlier, allegedly because of the COVID-19 pandemic. But ... they're in far better shape than we are, they intend to steal annex even more of the West Bank, and clearly they'll soon be starting World War III by remodeling the Temple Mount. I say don't give them a penny.

If you disagree, please tell me a single thing Israel has done which benefits the American people. I can't think of any.

By the way, Smotrich's biblical namesake, Bezaleel, was the person who built the Ark of the Covenant and the Tabernacle in the Wilderness. It comes to me as no surprise, therefore, that he may be the one to build the Third Temple and restore the Ark to its former place on the Temple Mount. Should we therefore let him have a free hand? Only if you're ready for the End Times.

Only if you're ready.

Whatever the case, keep in mind that many Jews believe that much of what Zionism stands for runs counter to what the Torah teaches. Is Smotrich's plan what G-d wants, or is it merely what man wants? That is a tough question to answer, but here's an easier one:

The seals of the Book of Revelation get opened BEFORE the turmoil on the Temple Mount. Have you seen any indication they HAVE been opened?

I haven't. And if they're still sealed, then either Saint John was deceived, or the entire world is being deceived by the Zionists. Which do you think is more likely?

1 comment:

  1. How will the world respond to Israel's actions?

    Like the cowards they are - by doing nothing of importance.
