Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Is 2019 The Year We Admit We're Broke ???

Let's start 2019 with some sanity:

Even if America once felt wealthy enough to squander its financial resources in such pursuits [e.g., being the world's policeman], those days have ended. Washington is effectively bankrupt, with massive unfunded liabilities. Its fiscal future will only worsen as Baby Boomers continue to retire.

You can read the rest @

I'm a retired boomer, and this looming reality worries me quite a bit. Yes, we do have massive unfunded liabilities, and there appears to be no way ever to fund them in the future. This suggests many pension plans and Social Security may be abandoned, and I fear nothing of any consequence will take their place.

My suggestion? We MUST do a 180 degree turn, abandon our warfare state mentality, and re-devote our remaining resources and future efforts toward building something which benefits all of us, not just the rich.

And frankly "open borders", asteroid mining, moving to Mars, and other such nonsense ain't gonna get it done.


  1. And we REALLY need to divorce ourselves from this kind of mentality:


  2. Here are some positive ideas from Bernie Sanders:


    Many may be impractical, but we have to start somewhere.
