Thursday, January 24, 2019

America's Power Elite

From Gary Brumback:

America’s power elite are a tiny but very mighty fraction of America’s total population. The power elite belongs to America’s corpocracy, the “Devil’s” marriage between corporate America and government America, with the former firmly in the driver’s seat.

The primary aims of the power elite are to monopolize the world’s dwindling resources by whatever means necessary, usually by force, and to control all peoples’ and nations’ way of life and their conditions of life.

You can read the rest @

What he calls "corpocracy" is in fact FASCISM. And the MSM is in complete alignment with the primary aims of the power elite.

When Trump calls the media "enemy of the people" he is more right than wrong. While it's true that a free press is a FRIEND of the people, we have no such thing in the USA. The MSM are shills and whores for corporate and military interests which are mostly the exact opposite of what is good for us.

1 comment:

  1. Here is discussion of a related issue:
