Thursday, December 5, 2013

Taking on Russia and China

We can't even beat the Taliban, and we're taking on Russia and China?

Our foreign policy appears to be moronic, but it may in fact be devilishly clever. Here's a great essay on the subject by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts:

The most important thing going on is our currency war, a.k.a. efforts to maintain the US dollar as the world's reserve currency and slave master:

Many support mechanisms are in place for the dollar. The Federal Reserve and its dependent bullion banks have driven down the price of gold and silver by short-selling in the paper futures market, allowing bullion to flow into Asia at bargain prices, but removing the pressure of a rising gold price on the exchange value of the US dollar.

Washington has prevailed on Japan and, apparently, the European Central Bank, to print money in order to prevent the rise of the yen and euro to the dollar.

The Trans-Pacific and Trans-Atlantic Partnerships are designed to keep countries in the US dollar payments system, thus supporting the dollar’s value in currency markets.

This is a lose-lose situation for us. If the TPP and TAP take effect, the dollar may be strengthened but we completely lose our sovereignty. And if the TPP and TAP are defeated and a gold-backed currency not controlled by the US becomes the standard for financial transactions, our economy craters and we lose everything.

Q: What kind of morons, or devilish fiends, would have put us into such a kettle of fish in the first place?

A: The people who brought you Obama ad-Dajjal and who now are destroying him and preparing to transfer the mantle of power to Hillary Rodham.

Jesus, what did we do to deserve such punishment?

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