Thursday, December 21, 2017

Why Are We At War With Yemen ???

While the Pentagon has been very secretive about what they’ve been doing in Yemen all year, on Wednesday officials confirmed that they have carried out “multiple ground operations,” as well as 120 airstrikes in 2017.

US operations haven’t been well-documented at all, In January, almost immediately after the inauguration, the US attacked the village of Yakla, claiming there was an al-Qaeda “collaborator” there. The troops ended up destroying most of the village in the offensive.

You can read the rest @

Yemen is one of the sources for the incense which will be used in the Third Temple. You can read about it here:

Other than that, I can think of no reason we should be there.

1 comment:

  1. One million suffering from cholera. Why aren't we helping them? Does G-d want us to kill these poor people? I doubt it.
