Friday, December 15, 2017

FBI Helped Clinton Campaign

According to this report, the FBI interfered in the 2016 presidential election:

Yes - it was the FBI, not Russia. And that means all the Russiagate BS is just that - BULLSHIT.

How can a criminal organization "investigate" itself?

Do we even NEED the FBI? Can you name one major crime or REAL terrorist attack they prevented ... or even solved? There are several they seem to have PROMOTED, but none they prevented or solved.

And without question, they "blew" the JFK murder investigation, the MLK murder investigation, the RFK murder investigation, the OKC bombing investigation, the 9/11 investigation, the anthrax investigation, the Boston Marathon bombing investigation, etc., etc., etc.

What really are these people good for?

1 comment:

  1. Looking at this honestly, one has to conclude it was the FBI and not Trump who obstructed justice:
