Friday, March 21, 2014

The Indoctrinated West

Please read this thought-provoking, fascinating essay which assesses the ignorance of the peoples in North America and Europe and which provides a partial list of our crimes against humanity:

After working in some one hundred and fifty countries, in all the continents, I have finally come to the absolutely clear conclusion: there is no part of the world as brainwashed, so programmed, so indoctrinated, as are both Europe and North America.

There are no people so out of sync with the global reality; people so naively and willing to follow the religious doctrine of market fundamentalism and the self-righteous belief that they, and only they, are the sole guardians of democracy, freedom and virtue, on this planet.

How many countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America have to be destabilized, so that the Empire can enjoy its privileges? So that the rich there can be even more obnoxiously rich, and even the poorest citizens can afford to live way above those who belong to the middle classes in the countries that are still being plundered by the West?

Those, mostly well-fed masses, don’t give a shit: in Europe, or in the United States. Their governments and companies rule the world, and at least most of the citizens of those countries – Those that get some crumbs. Their level of understanding, their political awareness is way below those in Africa, Latin America and Asia, those very people who are being constantly robbed and sacrificed.

To know and to understand … that would make many Europeans and North Americans uncomfortable … That would mean having to take responsibility; to be co-responsible for the crimes committed by Western governments and multi-nationals. It would mean, G-d forbid, to take action.


Not only are we unaware of what is really happening in Ukraine, the same could be said about 9/11 and other "terrorist" attacks; our invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya; the civil war we started in Syria; the CIA's drone murders; the Continuation of Government Program; and most of the other truly important issues of our time.

But we do know a lot about Kim Kardashian, Miley Cyrus, and Lindsay Lohan. Not that these three aren't newsworthy in their own right, but our inability to put things in perspective is astonishing. Couple this with our overwhelming military firepower, and we are a danger to the very survival of life on this planet.

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