Thursday, September 5, 2013

Judge Napolitano on the Syrian question

International law recognizes only three lawful routes to the use of military force. It recognizes the right of every country to launch military force in order to prevent its own borders from being invaded or to subdue those who commenced an invasion. It also recognizes the ability of any U.N. member state to come to the aid of any other U.N. member state when one of them has been invaded. And treaties to which the U.S. and Syria are parties permit limited purpose invasions when approved by the U.N. None of these lawful scenarios applies to Syria.
-Judge Andrew Napolitano

[Read the rest @]

Unfortunately the judge also concludes that under US law, Obama ad-Dajjal can more or less do whatever he wants:

Notwithstanding the precise language of the Constitution and the history of the nation’s birth, the War Powers Resolution (WPR), a federal statute enacted in 1973 over President Nixon’s veto, does permit the president on his own to use the military for offensive wars for a maximum of 90 days. Thus, under current federal law, Obama may lawfully bomb Syria even if Congress declines to authorize him to do so and even though such an act would violate international law.

Well, guess what? Under GERMAN law, everything Hitler did was LEGAL. Under international law, it was not.

As I have said many times, Obama ad-Dajjal imitates Hitler in all things.

By the way, I thoroughly disagree with the following statement in the judge's essay:

Though Assad is a former friend who once famously dined with then Sen. John Kerry, he is now a monster willing to go to extremes to stay in power.

Assad has not been proven to have done anything which a US President would not do to stay in power (and many of them have done much worse). Was Lincoln a monster for waging a brutal civil war to stay in power? Was he a monster for allowing Sherman's "march to the sea" and other brutal acts against Southern civilians?

Get a grip, people.

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