Thursday, September 26, 2013

9/11: The FISA Court Is Unconstitutional

So says Judge Andrew Napolitano in this EXCELLENT essay:

And he's right. Bush, Obama ad-Dajjal and their minions have SHREDDED the US Constitution, and our Republic is dying ... perhaps already dead.

What has taken its place?

A supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.

David Rockefeller

The ruling moral absolute is expressed by the core master idea behind the “supranational sovereignty” of an “intellectual elite and bankers”: “limitless capital accumulation - - - the highest right and moral duty”.

Leo Strauss (attributed)

How did this come about?

An end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.

Richard Gardner

Of course, a frontal assault every now and then, such as 9/11, helps too.

Had you forgotten that the World Trade Center was a Rockefeller project, with the twin towers nicknamed David and Nelson?

David knows what happened. You damn well better believe he knows. The real question is: was 9/11 the fruition of the long range plans of the Titans, or the doing of the upstart Olympians who intend to take their place?

GREER: You read the classics at Annapolis, Kara. Do you recall The Titans? The old gods? They were so afraid of the new gods, their own children, that they ate them. You work for the old gods, Kara. And they betrayed you. They were willing to kill you because they're afraid. They have an inkling of what happens next.

STANTON: If you don't work for the MSS, then why are you here?

GREER: Because unlike the CIA, my organization still thinks you could be VERY useful.

STANTON: You think I'd work for you? (Laughs bitterly.) If I break your neck, can I go back to watching TV?

GREER: No Kara, I know you wouldn't work for us. Not for money. As I said, money is not my business. I can offer you what your old employers couldn't, or wouldn’t, give you. I can give you an answer. You merely have to tell me the question.

STANTON: Who? Who did this to me?

GREER: Precisely. Not your old boss, Mark Snow. I've a fairly graphic idea of your plans for him. But the person truly responsible. The person who sold the laptop in the first place.

STANTON: In exchange for what?

GREER: Do you remember how the Titans were finally killed? Before they could eat their youngest child, Zeus, he wrapped a boulder in his swaddling clothes and then watched as his father choked on it.

[borrowed from]

In the fantasy world of the TV show "Person of Interest", the boulder in swaddling clothes appeared to have been the virus which was used to shut down The Machine. In our fantasy world, the boulder appears to have been 9/11.

It's funny how we can see things so clearly in our TV fantasy world, but then refuse to see them in the fantasy world in which we are forced to live. Is it because we know we are helpless, and would prefer to cherish our old fantasies instead of dealing with the new ones?

By the way, the boulder on which Zeus's father choked may have been the omphalos stone at Delphi:

There also was a famous oracle at Delphi. Hmmm ... Oracle ... you don't suppose that Larry Ellison has anything to do with this, do you?

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