Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Don't Look Up ... Please

My wife and I tried to watch "Don't Look Up", but gave up after the first few scenes. Others may think it a wonderful film, but we don't:

On one level, my objection to it is my intense dislike of people who diss the US, our government, and We the People in general. And that's the way this film comes across to me.

But on a deeper level, we seem to be incapable of accurately assessing risk and learning to live with what we can and cannot do.

We're never going to deflect a large asteroid from striking the Earth. We might blow it up into smaller pieces, but then we'll be treated to a radioactive rainstorm.

We're never going to stop a pandemic with hastily concocted "vaccines", especially if we continue to conduct gain of function experiments.

We're never going to stop war by threatening everyone with nuclear weapons.

We're never going to stop a famine by curtailing food production.

We're never going to stop crime by putting everyone in prison.

All life is risk, and there's nothing we can do about it except deal with the worst risks in ways which are beneficial to the most people.

And we are NOT doing that. We're going Chicken Little over things TPTB want to use against us, for their benefit. And we're ignoring the voices of sanity who are warning us about going down their rabbit holes.

Update - 1/30/2022

Here is a dissenting opinion:

But take note of this part of the article:

This method would not completely obliterate an asteroid – which is virtually impossible for an asteroid that size. But it would vaporize part of the asteroid’s surface, generating an explosive thrust and a change in velocity in response. This would change the asteroid’s path, hopefully diverting it from hitting our planet.

Hopefully? And what about the radioisotopes which will be emitted by the NED(s)? I think we should ask to see the math on this scheme before we commit to it.

In my view, NEDs may or may not be able to save us from asteroids, but it's almost certain they'll someday be used against terrestrial "threats" (e.g., Iran). Any chance that's the real reason someone wants to build a whole bunch of them?

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