Saturday, January 29, 2022

America Under Attack

Here is an excellent essay by Pat Buchanan:

Dear Pat - You should have included a third alternative, that America is under attack.

"Left/liberals/progressives/wokesters/whatever you want to call them" are intentionally creating the conditions for an overthrow of the existing American system, all the while pretending they're doing it to preserve democracy.

It's like what they're doing with Russia - continually lying; pretending to care about the people of Ukraine; creating straw men, red herrings, and false flags; doing whatever it takes (mostly illegal) to get what they want - the complete destruction of the entity Putin helped create. And all for the sake of power ... their power.

Our second civil war, when it comes, will be catastrophic. But as far as I can tell, they're OK with that. It will, they believe, give them the power to reconstruct North America any way they wish, or to just leave it a smoldering ruin like they did with Iraq, Libya, and Syria.

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