Sunday, July 25, 2021

What's In The Vaccine Vials ???

Here is a website containing a video which makes claims about what is actually in the mRNA "vaccines" and which presents a novel theory about COVID disease:

As far as I know none of this has been confirmed, but it certainly needs further research.

What is certain is that few people, including your doctor, know what is in the shots you are getting. Should we just blindly trust what TPTB tell us?

Update - 7/26/2021

Here is an explanation of the apparent fraud behind current practices of virus isolation, or perhaps we should say NON-isolation:

Such claims have become important for at least two reasons:

1. We apparently don't even know what is causing this disease; and

2. We apparently don't know what's in the "vaccines".

At this stage of the game how is it possible that either is true, considering how "earth shattering" this pandemic has been? You may answer "neither is true", but I think you'd be in the wrong to do so.

Something is rotten when the entire planetary power structure decides they have to bypass or ignore every time-tested and proven rule to inject us with something we apparently don't even need.

What the hell are they doing, and why are we not demanding answers? And why are the same lying clowns still in charge of this fiasco?

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