Friday, July 30, 2021

Much More Important Than COVID

While we're constantly being regaled and misdirected over COVID-related this and that, something MUCH more important is creeping up on us:

July 29 marks this year’s Earth Overshoot Day, the day that humanity’s demand for ecological resources exceeds the resources Earth can regenerate within that year.

Over the decades, the ecological and carbon footprint of humans has gradually increased, all while Earth’s biocapacity, i.e. its ability to regenerate resources has diminished significantly.

Source -

If we lose the ability to eat, drink, and breathe, then the ability to fight this virus will become moot.

Or will it?

Surely TPTB are not ignorant of the Earth overshoot phenomenon. But other than their constant attacks on the males of our species, what are they doing about it?

It's not unreasonable to suggest the mRNA "vaccines" are their answer to this particular problem. Giving themselves the ability to inject us with these and other potentially DNA-altering substances WITHOUT OUR CONSENT would certainly give them a "circuit breaker" on human population increase and further ecological damage. This may NOT be what they're doing, but how can anyone prove that?

At the very least, we must be suspicious of anything they say or do - especially things with irreversible consequences. And altering the DNA of the entire human population is certainly one of those things.

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