Thursday, July 15, 2021

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

Some fear the US may break apart into separate "confederations". Here is one version of what could happen:

Many will say such a thing is well nigh impossible, but who would have predicted that South Africa would explode so quickly into the kind of violence they're now experiencing?

That could be us in a few years (or months?) if things continue going as they are, with an authoritarian left wing government, possibly fraudulently elected, continuing to spend trillion$ of dollar$ and grabbing more and more power for itself.

Take a look at this S. African video on the subject of gun control, as I think it has great applicability to our own situation:

Note well the current US government is trying all sorts of tactics to disarm We the People at the very time privately owned firearms may be the only thing which prevents the complete collapse of civil society. Why is that, and why should anyone trust a government which would do such a thing to its own citizens?

Be well, and pray for peace. Our prayers may be the only thing standing between us and the abyss.

Update - 7/17/2021

Here is a red herring report apparently intended to contradict the rationale for the Second Amendment to the US Constitution:

Do you want to be disarmed? If so, then go back to sleep and the feds will do the rest.

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