Sunday, December 2, 2018

The Greatest Lies Ever Told ???

Check out these whoppers:

From the 1980s onwards, it was clear there was a price to be paid for western societies adapting to a new economic model and that price was sacrificing the European and American working class. No one thought the fallout would hit the bedrock of the lower-middle class, too. It’s obvious now, however, that the new model not only weakened the fringes of the proletariat but society as a whole.

The paradox is this is not a result of the failure of the globalised economic model but of its success. In recent decades, the French economy, like the European and US economies, has continued to create wealth. We are thus, on average, richer. The problem is at the same time unemployment, insecurity and poverty have also increased. The central question, therefore, is not whether a globalised economy is efficient, but what to do with this model when it fails to create and nurture a coherent society?

You can read the rest @

The current economic model is NOT a "success", unless you are a member of the ruling class.

The current economic model did NOT make you "on average, richer", unless you are a member of the ruling class.

Why do we continue to tolerate this crap? Why do "our" police continue to protect the rich while abusing We the People? Why do "our" newspapers continue to print this kind of nonsense?

This entire system is rotten to the core.

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