Friday, December 28, 2018

Alphabet's Global Eradication Program

Silicon Valley researchers are attacking flying bloodsuckers in California’s Fresno County. It’s the first salvo in an unlikely war for Google parent Alphabet Inc.: eradicating mosquito-borne diseases around the world.

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Nobody likes mosquitoes that bite and potentially carry disease, but the thought of extinguishing the species entirely is causing a lot of scientific concern. Conceptually, if interfering with the reproduction cycle works with the elimination [of] mosquitoes, it could work with other species as well.

You can read the rest @

Aside from the implication that this is a trial run for killing other species, it really does seem like a horrible idea. Does ANYONE understand the complex web of life on this planet well enough to predict what would happen if an entire species were to be eradicated? What other species would be affected? What would fill their niche?

And why should We the People allow a private corporation to make such a decision and do such a thing?

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