Tuesday, December 11, 2018

An Astonishing Lede

Here it is:

"Trump sees a border wall where none exists"

Source - https://www.foxnews.com/us/ap-fact-check-trump-sees-a-border-wall-where-none-exists

Isn't that the whole point ... that our "border" is not a defended border at all?

Do We the People REALLY want an "open border" with Mexico? Do we even know what that means?

When did the MSM start deciding what is best for us? From whom do they take their orders?

We have available two good examples of what will happen when the "open borders" people finally get their way:
  1. the collapse of the USSR, and
  2. the on-going dissolution of the EU.

Under the drunkard Boris Yeltsin, rich people from the West destroyed the former USSR and plundered its riches. It wasn't until Putin took over that Russia was able to escape their claws and stabilize herself. That, among other reasons, is why Putin is being demonized.

The EU seemed to be moving successfully in the direction of unity, but now it's about to break up in the most horrible fashion ... and even may experience the return of fascism.

Do we want to suffer the fate of either of these former confederations? I certainly don't.

1 comment:

  1. Here is further discussion of the issue:

