Saturday, December 1, 2018

Curtains For The Clintons ???

Here's a little ditty from Maureen Dowd:

“What scares me the most is Hillary’s smug certainty of her own virtue as she has become greedy and how typical that is of so many chic liberals who seem unaware of their own greed,” Charlie Peters, the legendary liberal former editor of The Washington Monthly, told me. “They don’t really face the complicity of what’s happened to the world, how selfish we’ve become and the horrible damage of screwing the workers and causing this resentment that the Republicans found a way of tapping into.” He ruefully worries about the Obamas in this regard, too.

You can read the rest @

If the Clintons and the Obamas were to just fade away, it would be the nicest Christmas present ever.

1 comment:

  1. By the way, are people really buying Michelle Obama's book ... or have corporations merely used it as a way to funnel money to her while continuing to undermine Trump?

    Just asking.
