Friday, October 19, 2018

Will Israel Crush Gaza ???

Israel is massing tanks on its "border" with Gaza:

I guess this is part of President Trump's "Middle East Peace Plan". If we remember him at all, it should be for his enabling of the massacre of Palestinians and the people of Yemen - neither of whom has done anything to deserve what is being done to them.

Unless you believe that G-d somehow wants them to be killed. Is that why He created them, so the US and Israel would have someone to massacre? That I cannot believe.

To all you so-called Christians - is this what Jesus wants you to do? I don't think He does.


  1. And Gaza will be but a small part of the war which is coming:

  2. By the way, isn't it strange the migrant invasion from our south seems to be coordinated with the rest of the big-ass war?

    Does this not imply the left is involved in treason? After all, they're the ones who want to open our borders to this invasion.

    When this is all over, I doubt the US will even exist ... except as a bad memory.
