Sunday, October 21, 2018

US Nuclear Insanity

Here is a good report, including a video, concerning the latest US moves which are destabilizing the world's nuclear weapons posture:

The video makes an important point: the Russian missiles are in defensive positions, while the US missiles are in OFFENSIVE positions (although they allegedly "defend" NATO). Russia is NOT the aggressor here.

This is the Cuban Missile Crisis in reverse, only this time there is no JFK to get in the way of what the warmongers apparently want - a nuclear war with Russia.

G-d help us all.


  1. Everything happening today is a consequence of the military coup which occurred on 9-11-2001. We NEVER should have let Cheney, Rumsfeld, and their ilk get away with the bogus 9-11 attacks and subsequent phony war on terror. We shall pay dearly for this error on our part. We've already lost all our constitutional protections, and we soon may also lose our lives.

  2. Here is additional discussion concerning abandonment of the INF Treaty:

  3. Here is further discussion [translation required]:
