Monday, October 22, 2018

Our Very Own Camp Of The Saints

How many of you have read The Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspail? I have, and it's actually pretty cool.

What the book describes is quite similar to the journey of the "caravan" which is inching its way towards us from Mexico and Central America:

If real life events imitate Raspail's story, the caravan will break through the border and encounter only token resistance. The US as we knew it, on the other hand, will cease to exist.

And that, I believe, is exactly what the promoters of this caravan want to happen. In spite of their lies to the contrary, they HATE the US and they HATE our freedoms.

Our REAL enemy has been here in our midst all along, and it's not Muslim extremists or a caravan of refugees. It's our own politicians and their ultra-rich sponsors.

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