Thursday, September 27, 2018

Remember USS Liberty

The fallout from Israel's recent treachery continues:

On the other hand, it is possible that the whole Israeli raid had been staged to down the reconnaissance plane and to leave the Russians without its real-time intelligence data. In 1967, the Israelis bombed and sunk the USS Liberty, an electronic spy ship, the then equivalent of Il-20, for they did not want to have foreign eyes and ears in the area. But then, there was an ongoing full-scale war between Israel and Egypt, and the USS Liberty had been attacked just before the planned Israeli invasion of the Syrian Golan Heights.

Could it be that Israelis expected an attack by France, England and the US upon Syria on that night, an attack that did not materialise thanks to the Russian-Turkish agreement on Idlib? There was a British plane and a French frigate in the vicinity, and a whole lot of American ships.

You can read the rest @

Dear Russia - I hope you finally realize that Israel is NOT your friend and NEVER will be your friend.

And I hope your admirals and generals will have the  fortitude to forcefully confront future Israeli aggression, unlike America's spineless military officers.

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