Friday, September 28, 2018

A Matter Of Jurisdiction

The aptly named Senator Flake wants the FBI to investigate Judge Kavanaugh:

Is sexual assault now a federal crime?

It seems to me the sheriff and/or police departments with jurisdiction in the locations of the alleged crime(s) are the ones who should be investigating. And apparently they haven't seen fit to do so. Why not? Has the statue of limitations passed?

Are we inventing new crimes without the benefit of legislation for the purpose of obstructing the appointment of judges and/or cabinet members whom the left does not like? What kind of BS is that?

I think the entire #MeToo/"the future is female" agenda is antidemocratic and smacks of a "Jim Crow" mentality, only this time the basis is gender rather than race.

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. This is what I'm talking about:

    If no crime was committed, then what's the problem? Are we entering an "ex post facto" situation - applying today's standards to past acts?
